Bure, Ragni, Formigar, Case Sparse Vaioi
A very simple but very suggestive walk of 3 km with a difference in height of only 150 meters. in the harmonious context of vineyards on terraces with dry stone walls (true works of art) It starts from Bure exactly from the parking lot of Via Don Calabria and walk north along Via Bure high for a few hundred meters and then take a dirt road on the right (Via Bonadiman) slightly downhill you pass in the middle of the houses of the Bure Campagna districtto go up on asphalt of Via Bure high continue for a few meters and at the Capitello with 3 naves take the path to the left that goes up to the intersection of Via Formigar. that we follow to the left and we walk enjoying a fantastic landscape (vineyards and dry stone walls perfect with geometric shapes) and then go down to Case Sparse Vaioi and then following the paved road we return to the center of Bure
I propose a map with its altimetric profile, a video and some photos to illustrate the route and therefore that can provide an idea of the places, landscapes, and peculiarities that you will find along this path.
Punto di partenza e arrivo : Bure Parcheggio San Pietro In Cariano coordinate GPS 45°31'35.23" 10°52'22.54"E
Departure and arrival point : Bure Parking San Pietro In Cariano GPS coordinates 45°31'35.23" 10°52'22.54"E
Lenght KM 6
difference in height uphill 150 mt
duration 2 h
Cartography Map of Valpolicella
Brief description of the route
Departure from Bure parking Via Bure high path uphill up to Via Formigar that we follow to the left and we walk enjoying a fantastic landscape (vineyards and dry stone walls perfect with geometric shapes) and then go down to Case Sparse Vaioi and then following the paved road we return to the center of Bure
Case Bure Campagna
Capitello e inizio sentierino in salita
dal sentierino
incrocio con Via Formigar
muri a secco stradina
paesaggi da Via Formigar
Muri a secco geometrie
Muri a secco geometrie
Muri a secco geometrie
un bella tabella dei percorsi
lasciamo via Formigar per scendere a sx su sterrato
ci incanaliamo in discesa verso Case Sparse Viaoi
Verso Viaoi
Fontanina fa parte del percorso delle fontane
Una interessante cantina da visitare
vino valpolicella biologico
tratto con vigneti molto bello
Bure e la sua chiesa
piccolo video paesaggio da Via Formigar
amici camminatori, se possibile, avrei piacere ricevere i vostri suggerimenti e consigli al fine di migliorare il sito.
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