San Francesco (Rovere giro Malghe Gaspari
A beautiful walk Lessinia Orientale - San Francesco a Roverè Veronese.
Departure from the beautiful church square then uphill on asphalt road Via Contrada Masetto and we arrive at contrada Gaspari then follow the signs for contrada Faiz and malga Marian. we pass under Dosso Alto, Malga Marianetto and then descent to Masanel (another beautiful district) and choosing the road we take downhill, we pass by contrada Bolfe and near Gauli, return to the square for a drink at the Bar Ristorante Grossule.

Starting point : San Francesco piazza monumento
GPS 45.6259709, 11.071815172
difference in height uphill 250 mt
Length km 7,7
duration 2 hours
Brief description
San Francesco piazza -via Contrada Masetto - contrada Gaspari - Faetz- Marian - Marianetto - Masenello - Gauli - San Francesco