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On foot to Negrar di Valpolicella
A nice walk to discover Negrar and its surroundings.
Departure from Arena Verde - path at the end of Via Pertini - we skirt the border wall of Villa Rizzardi on a dirt road, we arrive at the Capitello di Poiega, then in Poiega we take Via Gugliemi (dirt road downhill) then Via Del Carrista we pass next to the middle schools.
We take the pedestrian street Via Rovereti better known as "road of walls" we pass next to Villa Rovereti, we come out at the intersection in Via Tomenighe di sotto / Via S.Anna we continue downhill on asphalt up to the Capitello della Madonna (after pizzeria Vecchia Rama). We go towards Via Carpene passing the bridge (which crosses the progno Vaio Castello) At the first large wide curve of Via Carpane we leave the road to climb up to intercept a path in the middle and near the vineyards (very pleasant and panoramic) that will take us back to the curve of the paved road that we travel uphill until the intersection with Via Villa Rossi (asphalt, concreted, dirt) that we travel downhill and following the indications of the historical routes of Negrar we arrive at San Vito.
At the traffic light of San Vito we cross Via Quintarelli that we follow until we enter the first dirt road on the right (in the middle of the vineyards) and then Via Corte Cresteni - slightly uphill to Via Busa with its Votive shrine of the Madonna (protected by two large cypress trees).
We walk along Via Busa then Crosara and then Via Emilio Salgari passing next to the Sacro Cuore hospital then Via Mazzini center of Negrar - Viale Rimembranza - we cross the bridge (traffic light) on the progno and we are in Arena Verde

Point of departure and arrival : Arena Verde in Negrar di Valpolicella
GPS 45°32'9.84"N 10°56'25.04"E
difference in height uphill 200 mt  
distance km 8,3    
duration 2 h 30
Cartography : Map of the paths "on the hills from Valpolicella to Lake Garda" scale 1:20000
CAI Committee of mountaineering groups in Verona

Brief description of the route

From Arena Verde - Poiega - Via Guglielmi -Via del carrista- Via Rovereti- Tomenighe di sotto - Carpane - Via villa Rossi - San Vito - Via Quintarelli -Via Corte Cresteni - Via Busa - Crosara - Via Salgari - Ospedale Sacro Cuore - Viale Rizzardi - Via Mazzini - viale Rimembranza - Via D'Azeglio - Arena Verde
inizio percorso fine via Pertini
Contrada Poiega
Via del Carrista o meglio conosciuta Strada dei Muri
sentierino in uscita da Arena Verde - Via Pertini
Via Gugliemi Negrar
Tomenighe di sotto mappa percorsi storici Negrar
progno prima di Carpanè
Strada di carpanè
Vigneti Carpane  Cere
Vigneti  e ciliegi Carpane  Cere
San Vito dall'Alto
Contrada Cresteni
Negrar Centro
Fellow walkers, if possible, I would like to receive your suggestions and advice in order to improve the site.
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