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Walking with Gerardo - Palio del Recioto and Amarone - 2023
A walk with Gerardo on the occasion of the Palio del Recioto and Amarone starting from the Town Hall of Negrar di Valpolicella
Via Pio X - Fountain and large wash house - Sundial of Negrar - Road of Muri - Villa Rovereti - via Rovereti - Calcarole - intersection Via Perez - Ascent dirt road to Castel - Castel (views) - Ara - path Ara - Quena - path Quena Dosso ,
Capitello Forlago - Villa - Mosaics in Villa - Walls and Villa Rizzardi - Poiega - Via Salvo d'Acquisto - Negrar centre
Mappa percorso a spasso con Gerardo Palio 2023 Negrar
Starting point : Town Hall of Negrar di Valpolicella
GPS : 45.53052291, 10.9382552
Difference in height uphill 200 mt
Lenght km 6,3
duration 2 hours
Brief description
a beautiful walk from the Town Hall of Negrar - Town Hall - Via Pio X - Road of walls - Via Rovereti - Castel - Ara - Quena - Dosso - Forlago - Villa - Rizzardi - Poiega - Negrar
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