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Dorsale delle Frazioni " Renzo Giuliani " Montorio - Parona  2011

A beautiful long walk." the path of the ridge Renzo Giuliani".
from Montorio to Parona di Valpolicella.  
Made way back in 2011.
Excellent signage colors Yellow / blue and logo letter D
Departure from Via Olivè - church of Montorio, Via Ponte Verde, then we climb up to Al Piloton, then we skirt the wall of Villa Balladoro, we pass by the Witches' Fountain. we cross the village of Novaglie. Then contrada Morando - - then Via Segorte we cross the hamlet Poiano we enter via SottoCastello until we climb up to the Torricelle and follow up to Via Santa Giuliana.
Let us pass by the Community Sisters of Mercy. and we descend until we reach the hamlet of Avesa. from here we take via Gazzo. Strada Monti di villa, at the junction for Monte Ongarine
continue following the signs for Quinzano. We cross the progno, then Via Cozzi, signs towards San Rocchetto, take via Cà Nove Ronchi until we reach strada dei Monti and following the signs we arrive at Via Torcolo and Parona Oratory. we walked the Dorsale delle Frazioni Renzo Giuliani.
length 15 kilometers dislisvello total uphill 600 meters
Mappa percorso San Giorgio Valpolicella
Starting point : Montorio- via Olivè - Church
GPS : 45.460288, 11.0645959
Uphill difference in height 600 mt
Lenght km 15
duration 5 hours
Brief description
a beautiful long walk from Montorio to Parona di Valpolicella
Montorio - el Piloton - Villa Balladoro - Novaglie - Poiano - Torricelle - Santa Giuliana - Avesa - Quinzano - Parona di Valpolicella
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