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Erbezzo discovering monumental trees- Faggio della Madonnina
Thanks to the excellent work of mapping and signage of the paths around Erbezzo to discover the monumental trees
We started with this short but interesting route to get to know the famous Beech of the Madonnina near Malga Costa along the road that leads to Malgo Derocon
The routes are simple and well marked at the crossroads.. The photos and video gives an idea of where you walk and what you see

Mappa Erbezzo faggio Madonnina
Faggio della Madonnina Erbezzo - malga Costa
Point of departure and arrival "very small parking space at the junction Malga Lessinia / Malga Derocon"
GPS 45.656328, 11.00668
difference in height uphill 100 mt  
Distance km 3     
duration 1 hour with stops
Brief description of the route
From the car park follow the signs for Malga Costa - Malga Derocon - Faggio della Madonnina mixed / asphalt / dirt road
the signage is great
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