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Festa de le fae a San Giorgio di Valpolicella camminata
A circular walk around San Giorgio di Valpolicella (the most beautiful villages in Italy) for the "Festa de le Fae" in Piazza Chiostro della Pieve.
Via Ca de la Pela before the fo- locality Borona and always downhill flanked by huge walls / walls we go down passing, towards the end near Cà dei Gelsi and then in Viale dei Caduti del Lavoro, we climb towards the small cemetery (views) and then we descend passing next to Works of the sculptors "Via Crucis" and .... Now downtown for the party. return to Via Panoramica and Via Ca de la Pela passing next to Biotto (panoramic square)
near trattoria take a dirt road uphill on the left, and then path that will take us to Case Sparse Caranzan. We pass next to Casa de Fernando we take a steep downhill path (CAI 233 trail sign) we pass acccanto Ancient fountain of Caranzano
- locality Borona and always downhill flanked by huge walls / walls we go down passing, towards the end near Cà dei Gelsi and then in Viale dei Caduti del Lavoro, we climb towards the small cemetery (views) and then we descend passing next to Works of the sculptors "Via Crucis" and .... Now downtown for the party. return to Via Panoramica and Via Ca de la Pela passing next to Biotto (panoramic square)

Mappa percorso a piedi per la festa de le fae
Starting point : Crossroads Monte/Ca de La Pela San Giorgio di Valpolicella near Enel Cabin
GPS : 45.542595 10.839096
download GPX file of the route
Difference in height uphill 200 mt
Lenght km 5,5
Duration 2 hours and more stop for the party and for the soup of Fae
Brief description
a hike walk we walk along Via Ca de la Pela - Case Sparse Caranzan - La Casa de Fernando -CAI path 233- Ancient Fountain of Carenzano - descent to Avenue of the Fallen - Cemetery - Via Crucis - Center - The Parish - Cloister - Festa de le fae - Panoramic route - Via Ca de la Pela - Biotto

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