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Monti di Torbe - cherry blossoms - 31 March 2017

An immersion walk in the cherry blossoms. Torbe di Valpolicella. We walk along the road of the Monti di Torbe starting from the end of via Contrada Bottega, on a paved secondary road, flanked by cherry blossoms, we pass through contrada Cà del Gallo, contrada Palladi, Fava locality and arrive at the church of Santa Cristina,from where you can admire the Monte Baldo chain,
3 kilometers immersed in the white whiteness of cherry trees
6 kilometers, indeed, because, even the return with other perspectives, is wonderful
route made 31 March 2017
Mappa Torbe fava Santa Cristina ciliegi in fiore
Starting point : at the end of via Contrada Bottega - Torbe di Negrar di Valpolicella
GPS : 45.5627147, 10.93648408
Difference in height uphill 100 mt
Lenght km 3
duration 2 hours
Brief description
a beautiful walk along the Via dei Monti di Torbe passing through the Contrade Cà del Gallo, Palladi, Fava and arriving in Santa Cristina
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