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Prognol Canzago Purano
Circular excursion of 9.5 km with an uphill difference in height of about 350 meters, develops in the heart of the Valley of Marano di Valpolicella with departure and arrival in Prognol di Marano di Valpolicella
The route is mixed and very interesting you start after parking (Cantina Antolini) you walk a short stretch of Via Praele (Corte Borghetti) until you intercept the dirt road path well marked with red and blue colors that passes in the middle of the to the vineyards and olive trees and that flanked by a small stream to arrive after about 1km to Canzago (exceptional villa see photo) we continue for 200 meters to via Canzago to take to lla nostra desta a dirt road that climbs flanked by a wall to seccco and then deventare path rises for 500 meters until intercepting a cemented dirt road at an altitude of 427 meters above sea level that we take to the right that in 500 meters will take us to Tenda to intercept the SP that comes from Marano and we follow in the direction of Fumane (beautiful panoramic point) from here we descend towards Gazzo to the capital of the four sides (photo) now we make a stretch of road to go up towards Purano but to avoid traffic and the road we enter a path co in the middle of the vineyards that will take us to Purano (in front of us the first houses of Purano and the high to the our right at the top the view of the church of Santa Maria Valverde
In Purano visit to the church square and some well-known historical features of the local community from Purano we go down via Olivo and then to the right descent on path 231 CAI to the pool and fountain (photo) and then go up towards Purano and from here follow the paved road to the Ristorante ai Torcoli continuing for a small stretch on a dangerous road immediately after the curve we enter a CAI 232 red and white path that will take us to Ca Porta di Marano from here always following the CAI path we go in the direction of Novaia when we intercept the asphalt road we turn right always on CAI 232 asphalt up to the capital and at the intersection with SP47 from here we follow the signs first for Gnirega and then for Prognol that we reach easily you on cemented roads in the middle of the vineyards in steep descent
I propose a map with its altimetric profile, a video and some photos to illustrate the route and therefore that can provide an idea of the places, landscapes, and peculiarities that you will find along this path.
Point of departure and arrival : Prognol 45°32'42.58"N 10°54'54.40"E
Length KM 9,5                    
difference in height uphill 350 mt                       
duration 3/4 hours with stops
Cartography Map of Valpolicella
Brief description of the route
Departure from Prognol parking near Cantina Antolini we pass near Corte Borghetti and then following the Red and Blue trail sign we climb up to Canzago and then continue uphill until Canzago and then continue uphill up to Localita Tenda we descend towards località Gazzo and then go up in the middle of the vineyards in Purano here we visit the church square and under Canzago and then return to Prognol then we return passing through Crocetta and then descend to Ca porta di Marano now we follow the CAI 232 path that leads us under Canzago and then return to Prognol from where we started.
Tabella Percorsi e segnavia per Canzago
Via Praele Cantina Corte Borghetti
Via Praele Cantina Corte Borghetti
Trail marker and route table Rosso Blu towards Canzago
salendo verso Canzago
Dirt road and cemented uphill towards Canzago
ruscellino salendo a Canzago
Salendo a Canzago
among olive trees and vineyards ascent to Canzago
in direzione Canzago
Near Canzago
Canzago Villa Facciata e scalinata
Canzago Villa Porta
small stream
avvicinandosi a Canzago
Canzago Villa Porta
Madonnina a Canzago
scalinata Villa Canzago
madonnina a Canzago
Staircase Villa Porta a Canzago
Chiesa di Canzago Particolari
dirigendosi verso Crosetta
Portale Chiesa Canzago
200 meters after Canzago
sentierino in salita direz Crosetta
salendo verso Crosetta
ascent to Crocetta
to Crocetta
Panorami su Zeviana e Gazzo da Bivio Crosetta/ Purano
Verso Purano Vigneti
Case a Purano
direction Purano vineyards
Purano Contrada
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