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An interesting excursion, not to be missed, to the famous Sengia Sbusa rock formation, in the upper northeast of the Municipality of Negrar
Departure from Siresol along via Ca Berna cemented road at the beginning uphill that becomes dirt and you plead at high altitude (flanked by the vineyards) up to the junction for Ca Merli turn left and passing on the right of the houses we climb on partially cemented roads then dirt roads up to an altitude of 412 meters above sea level
which becomes dirt road always going up until you have reached a total distance from the Siresol departure of a 1,100 KM from here we take on our left a path that climbs rapidly for 350/400 meters the Sengia Sbusa
length about 1.5 km uphill elevation gain 166 meters. the return following the same downhill route. then 3 km in total.

I propose a map with its altimetric profile, a video and some photos to illustrate the route and therefore that can provide an idea of the places, landscapes, and peculiarities that you will find along this path.
clicca Mappa del percorso e profilo altimetrico
Point of departure and arrival :
GPS coordinates at N45 31 51.5 E10 58 15.9
alt 426 mt slm
GPS coordinates in Sengia Sbusa altitude 587 mt
N45 32 13.9 E10 58 02.8
length km 1,5 difference in altitude uphill 166 mt                      
duration 1 hour
Cartography Map of Valpolicella
Brief description of the route:
Departure from Siresol - Ca merli -Sengia Sbusa
Siresol partenza per Sengia Sbusa
Via Moiago
Siresol Ca Berna
we go up via Ca Berna
tratto Siresol - Cà Merli
Ca' Berna at high altitude among the vineyards
dopo Ca' Merli salita a Sengia Sbusa
Ca' dei Merli salita verso Sengia Sbusa
junction for Ca Merli on the right
Cà Merli
Ca Merli
Massimo e Negrar
the Negrar valley seen from after Ca Merli
Ca Merli
Cà Merli
Route section
sentierino per Sengia Sbusa
zona sengia Sbusa
uphill path towards Sengia Sbusa
uphill path towards Sengia Sbusa
Sengia Sbusa panorama e scalatore in azione
Sengia Sbusa
Sengia Sbusa
Sengia Sbusa
sengia sbusa
Sengia Sbusa e Anne
Sengia Sbusa
sengia sbusa
sengia sbusa
sengia sbusa
sengia sbusa
Sengia Sbusa details
Sengia sbusa e madonnina
sengia sbusa interno una nicchia
Sengia Sbusa details
sengia sbusa details La Maddonina
video con panorami
panorama su Valle di Negrar nord
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