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Valdiporro Torrente Squaranto - Malga Scrovazzo

Let's start from the large parking lot of Valdiporro. We pass in the center of the village. The church of Sant'Antonio Abate, Piazza Valdiporro with its monument to the fallen, the hotel restaurant Leso, now follow the signs of path 251 of the Italian Alpine Club and descend towards the vaio Squaranto we pass by the interesting district Sponda. We arrive at the bottom of the vaio where we cross path 254. . We take it in a northerly direction. we pass under the bridge in the curve of the Provincial Road, continue in the vaio and then climb to the right up to the Scrorazze hut. . After a stop we return, descending, still on the bottom of the vaio, to take the path to the left that now goes south.We pass next to the Agribirrificio Laorno, then contrada Tal then contrada Ucchesi, all via contrada Ucchesi, then via Croce del Pezzo, Cappella dei santi Marco e Rocco, Via Pindemonte, until you go down to the square of Valdiporro. We covered 10 kilometers and over 500 meters of uphill elevation gain.

Mappa Valdiporro Squaranto Scrovazzo
Starting point : Valdiporro large parking
GPS : 45.626898, 11.05064
Uphill difference in height 500 mt
Lenght km 10
duration 3 / 4 hours
Brief description

Valdiporro town center Albergo Ristorante Leso - trail sign 251 CAI - Contrada Sponda -Torrente Squaranto - trail sign 254 CAI - Malga Scrivazze - trail 7 - Laorno - Tal -Ucchesi - Croce del Pezzo - Centro Valdiporro

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